“Wait for me!” Said the Funny Cat to the Owner

When have you, lately, found your cat meowing loudly towards you? Cats have emotions and desires just as people do, and we need to deeply understand and respect that. Funny cats have a great value in our lives since they bring joy, happiness and a lot of love to our daily routine. If you are looking for something to cheer your day up, you better search for a nice fury cat that will put a smile on your face. Some cats, if you have ever noticed, really enjoy pushing their faces through the door in order for you to see them, or at least see a small part of their faces. The cats highly enjoy doing some funny things that make us laugh, even if we genuinely think cats have their own preferences while committing different actions, the truth is that cats (just as any other animal and creature in the world) want to be loved and respected. So, once cats understand which sort of actions make them be more loved and appreciated (for example when they make us laugh out loud, happily), they choose to repetitively commit these actions so we would continuously choose to be in their company. The cats, that find value in committing hilarious and unexpected actions quickly grab the people’s attention and make our day change its regular routine. The thing that makes people mostly happy is being entertained by another animal (whether a human one or not) and cats sometimes hold the best key to make that happen. So next time you find your cat doing some hilarious thing, do yourself a favour, grab a camera or quickly find your mobile phone so you will be able to take some nice pictures or a wonderful video that will capture this whole great experience for you. You can be sure you won’t regret saving some memories from these great moments.

I want to sleep